
New Chelmsley Wood masterplan marks first step regeneration


Land Referencing Services

19th January 2023

New Chelmsley Wood masterplan marks the first step for Town Centre Regeneration

Landmark proposals designed to regenerate Chelmsley Wood town centre took a step forward last week.

Plans featuring new residential and commercial facilities in the Town Centre were approved.

Solihull Council's cabinet met to discuss the Masterplan for Chelmsley Wood, which is currently occupied by a West Midlands Police building. In addition the area currently features a job centre and vacant former library site, along with other buildings.

The Council has been supported by planning and design consultancy BDP, alongside a team of specialists, to develop a plan for the future of the area.

First Phase

Plans are focused initially on the Northwest Quarter of the town centre which is currently under-utilised. The area is currently physically cut off from the rest of Chelmsley Wood town centre. This will be the first step in a phased plan of redevelopment for the town centre completely transformed over the next ten years.

Proposals also feature a new town square and a small commercial pavilion. Plans also include treatments to the former postal office sorting facility to new retail and/or food and beverage outlets.

Last year Solihull Council began public consultation on its emerging masterplan for Chelmsley Wood town centre. This was to discover what future development in the town centre might look like while seeking to identify priority areas for improvements.


Working with stakeholders a series of deliverable masterplan options for this area were drawn up.

Councillor Ian Courts, Leader of Solihull Council and Portfolio Holder for the Economy, said:

“The regeneration of Chelmsley Wood town centre seems like a daunting task but is one that I have been keen to see since I first became a councillor. Having a masterplan in place for the Northwest Quarter marks the first step towards a series of phased improvements that will secure the future vibrancy of this well used and much-loved town centre.

“This will be a challenging scheme to deliver and could take a number of years to complete, but we will work closely with stakeholders, landowners and external funders to provide the right solution for residents and secure the future vibrancy of Chelmsley Wood town centre.”

Residents can sign up to the Council’s new ‘Chelmsley Wood Town Centre Masterplan’ Stay Connected bulletin to receive updates on the project.


Councillor Councillor Ian Courts, Leader of Solihull Council and Portfolio Holder for the Economy, said:

“The regeneration of Chelmsley Wood town centre seems like a daunting task but is one that I have been keen to see since I first became a councillor. Having a masterplan in place for the Northwest Quarter marks the first step towards a series of phased improvements that will secure the future vibrancy of this well used and much-loved town centre.

“This will be a challenging scheme to deliver and could take a number of years to complete, but we will work closely with stakeholders, landowners and external funders to provide the right solution for residents and secure the future vibrancy of Chelmsley Wood town centre.”


Land referencing services we offer:

» Land registry searches & desktop referencing
» Requests for Information (RFI’s)
» Site Surveys and interviews
» Confirmation Exercise
» Provide a Book of Reference (BoR) & land plans

If you would like to know more about exciting projects we are involved with, email us at:

 Key features include:

» Establishment of a discount food store on the former library site facing east, with an office block along the eastern edge, providing an attractive frontage to Kingshurst Brook.

» Creation of a new town square and enhanced public space. This includes a pedestrian link from the existing upper-level shopping precinct to connect with this area.

» Establishment of a small commercial pavilion next to the discount food-store fronting the new town square (potentially for café use)..

» Treatments to the front of the former postal office sorting facility to create a more attractive frontage.

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