1000 home planning application submitted for Leicester Textile Factory
1,143-home planning application submitted for site of former textiles factory in Leicester.
A planning application has been submitted to Leicester City Council for over 1,000 homes at the former Corah Factory.
The plans were submitted as a joint venture by Galliford Try Investments and Cityregen.
Leicester City Council received the application for outline planning permission for the homes and commercial units. This is in addition to pubs and food takeaway establishments - with planning submitted last week for the 19th centure building.
The outline plans will see several buildings varying from four and 18 storeys to provide up to 1,140 homes. This begins with construction of a first phase six-storey building of 44 one- and two-bed flats.
DPP also put in full planning permission at the same time for the demolition of existing buildings on the site. Plans include removing two chimneys and the face of the 1865 building. The southern façade of the building would be kept and altered, if the plans are approved.
New Life
A spokesperson for Cityregen Leicester and Galliford Try Investments said: “The plans will bring new life to this area of Leicester, creating a dynamic new community and destination, which will act as a catalyst for further growth and regeneration in the area. By delivering a significant number of homes, this site can also play a major role in easing the housing shortages facing local people, while creating fantastic new green spaces and public realm in the city.”
The spokesperson added that the plans recognised the historical significance of the site and were aimed at “ensuring the people of Leicester are connected to the Corah Site’s past in its new reincarnation”.
DPP director Michelle Davies said: “This site represents one of the last major regeneration sites in single ownership in the city of Leicester and is a key opportunity to deliver much needed homes.
“We have been through an extensive and detailed pre-application process with the council and major stakeholders during the last year, and we now look forward to progressing this fantastic scheme through the planning process.”
DPP said it will be working “proactively” with the council in the coming months to deliver the regeneration scheme. Consultation on the scheme is due to end on 19 June.
Proposals also include the regeneration of the Old Textile Building at the centre of the site and the reinstatement of Corah Green, a publicly accessible open green space within the centre of the site.
The façade of the 1865 building and two existing chimneys fronting the Grand Union Canal alongside will be retained. In addition, a new bridge will be built to connect to Abbey Park from the city centre.
A city council spokesman said: "The council's planning and conservation officers will carefully consider the heritage statement and supporting documents submitted by the applicant, and the impact of the development on heritage assets, alongside the benefits of regenerating this large, former industrial site for new housing.
"This assessment will be reported to the council's planning committee for a decision in due course, along with the consideration of responses to consultations from interested parties."
A spokesperson for Cityregen Leicester and Galliford Try Investments said:
“The plans will bring new life to this area of Leicester, creating a dynamic new community and destination, which will act as a catalyst for further growth and regeneration in the area.
“By delivering a significant number of homes, this site can also play a major role in easing the housing shortages facing local people, while creating fantastic new green spaces and public realm in the city.”

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In Numbers:
» 1,140 homes planned.
» 1865 - construction of the original building.
» 18 storeys - the highest planned building.
Industry experience.
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