The Media Department
Explore our approach to urban planning for the creation of cities that work better for everyone.
River Humber gas pipeline almost complete
Eight 620m sections of pipe have been pushed through the 5km tunnel 30m below the river.
First 52 homes begin construction at Gascoigne Estate in Barking
LRS project Gascoigne Estate has been dubbed one of the Greenest schemes in London
Renewable EnergyNews
Environment Agency approves waste to energy throughput increase
LRS client Wheelabrator to increase Energy from Waste throughput
York City Council wants Public Opinions on York Outer Ring Road
City of York Council are asking for public comments on their proposals to improve the York Outer Ring Road, A1237,…
Renewable EnergyNews
Summary Reports Published for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Extension
Summary Reports Published for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Extension.The firm behind Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm have published reports regarding the…
Rail & TramNews
HS2 Increasing Area Regeneration and Tourism
HS2 Increasing Regeneration and Tourism for local areas.HS2 is expected to spark major regeneration around the Toton area. Nottinghamshire County…